Proceedings of International Conference on Natural and Environmental Science (ICONES)

Proceedings of The International Conference on Natural and Environmental Science (ICONES) is an online official publication of the conference conducted by Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science, Syiah Kuala University every four years. The presented papers have been reviewed by a reviewer panel and international editorial board of this conference prior to publish in this proceedings.

The conference is initiated on 2010 and include plenary addresses, oral and poster parallel sessions.  

The main objective of this conference is to provide a forum for researchers, government officers, educators, students and industries. This forum is as a platform for exchanging ideas, communication and discussion of research findings and new advancement in science from multi-disciplines fields. It further bridges possible avenues to foster academic as well as scientific activities at the international level.

The conference topics:
1.    Natural Science
2.    Environmental Science
3.    Global Warming
4.    Disaster Mitigation
5.    Climatology
6.    Disaster Modelling
7.    Epidemiology and Diseases
8.    Forestry and Illegal Logging
9.    Green House Emission
10.  Marine Sciences and Illegal Fishing
11.  Air, Water and Land Pollutions
12.  Biodiversity and Biotechnology
13.  Remote Sensing
14.  Sustainable and Renewable Energy
15.  Bio-remediation
16.  Bio-informatics
17.  Material and catalyst
18.  Computer Science