The accuracy of progesterone test kits for early diagnosis in Ettawa cross-goat

Juli Melia, Desriwan Angga Putra, Syafruddin Syafruddin, Tongku Nizwan Siregar, Teuku Reza Ferasyi, Wahyu Eka Sari


This research aimed to determine the accuracy of the progesterone test kit for milk and blood for early pregnancy diagnosis in Ettawa cross goats (PE). Five lactating PE goats were used in this study and were synchronized with PGF2α intramuscularly. The result is that all goats showed a sign of estrus. Four goats were mated naturally, while one other was not mated. The determination of day 0 was when the females were standing heat. The early pregnancy diagnosis using dairy cow test strips was performed 18-22 days after mating or post-estrus. The accuracy of the diagnosis was confirmed by ultrasound on day 35 after mating/post estrus. Diagnosis using the milk progesterone kit showed negative results for five days of examination in all goats, whereas using the blood progesterone kit showed positive results in four goats. When confirmed, the ultrasound showed that one goat was not pregnant, and four other goats were pregnant. It can be concluded that the pregnancy test strip kits containing progesterone are effective in diagnosing early pregnancy in PE goats with high accuracy in blood samples (100%) despite low accuracy in milk samples (20%).


early pregnancy diagnosis, PE goat, progesterone kits

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