The International Journal of Tropical Veterinary and Biomedical Research is published twice a year on May and November. This journal is disseminated to Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Animal Science, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Research Institutions, selected animal hospitals, libraries and other relevant boards in the worlds.
The journal will accept original research papers from the field of veterinary, science, medicine and related fields whereas literature reviews will be supplementary. All accepted papers will firstly be evaluated by a peer reviewer consisting of experts in related fields. The accepted papers will become responsibility of the author/s and do not automatically reflect certain opinion of the editors.
Vol 9, No 2 (2024): Vol. 9 (2) November 2024
Table of Contents
Roshif Syahdan, Afton Atabany, Iyep Komala, Putri Indah Ningtias
1 - 10
Tesfaye Mersha Cherinnat
11 - 17
Rasyida Ulfa, Masitta Tanjung, Nursal Nursal, Muhammad Hasan, Riyan Ferdian
18 - 23
Nabila Latifa Hafizsha, Nabilah Putroe Agung, Elvina Nurfadhilah, Rizky Fitriana
24 - 26
Rastina Rastina, Teuku Reza Ferasyi, Azhari Azhari, Rasmaidar Rasmaidar, Denny Irmawati Hasan, T Zahrial Helmi, Dinda Meilinda Br Sitepu
27 - 32
Wahyu Eka Sari, S.Si, M.Si, Rumi Sahara Zamzami, Muhammad Hambal, Teuku Reza Ferasyi, Annisa Nurul Qomariah, Lian Varis Riandi, Muttaqien Muttaqien, Baidillah Zulkifli
33 - 41
Azhari Azhari, Wahyu Eka Sari, Teuku Reza Ferasyi, Ismail Ismail, Andi Novita, Darniati Darniati, Ginta Riady, Iga Fadlah, Vivi Rahmadhini
42 - 46