Efforts to Protect Endemic Animals of Alas Purwo National Park Through the Implementation of Conservation Law

Eko Setiawan


Indonesia is one of the countries that has a diversity of species of animals that are so diverse. Indonesia also has a long list of endangered animals. However, the rate of wildlife hunting in Alas Purwo National Park has been increasing due to the high market demand. Suppliers demand very high prices for rare endemic species of animals. This is a case study and qualitative descriptive study. It utilizes observations, interviews, and documentation as data collection methods. The analysis of data in the research uses interactive models. The results show that there are still many crimes related to the hunting and trafficking of protected animals. Implementation of Law No.5 of 1990, has not been effective in terms of animal protection in ensnaring the maximum perpetrators of crime. The crimes cause multi-dimensional damages, including ecosystem damage and endemic types' extinction.  



endemic animal; Conservation; Law; Indonesia; Greater Green Leafbird


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