Q: Can I submit my article here?

A: Yes, this Journal is open to all manuscripts that meet the JAROE scope, eligibility, and quality requirements. All submitted manuscripts will be processed according to our Standard Operation Procedure (SOP).


Q: How many times in a year publication at JAROE?

A: JAROE publishes three times in a year every April, August, and December


Q: How can I submit a manuscript to JAROE?

A: Please check on the link below to find the details:






Q: How much is the fee for submission on JAROE?

A: No fees are required.


Q: How much is the fee for publishing on JAROE?

A: For Indonesian Authors IDR 1.500.000 and International authors no fees are required.


Q: Apart from publication cost, are there any further cost?

A: There aren't any other expenses except if you choose for fast track review process and it cost IDR 500.000 for Indonesian authors not including publication cost and no fees are required for International authors.


Q: What is the steps for fast track review option?

A: 1. You need to email us your manuscript.

2. A pre-review will be done by the editor to perform desk evaluation and to assess the potential and suitability of your paper. If the paper is considered suitable, author is subsequently required to submit the paper to OJS and you will receive an account number to pay the APC of IDR 1.500.000 plus fast track fee IDR 500.000.

3. The author pays and uses email to confirm.

4. Paper enter to fast-track process. Your paper will be reviewed within 2-4 days and reviewer’s comments will be informed to authors for revision process. Paper will not be accepted and published unless it has fulfilled all requirements and meet the reviewer’s feedback.


Q: What criteria that editors look for in the stage of desk evaluation?

A: 1. Similarity rate (turnitin) must be less than 25%

2. State of art, research gap and novelty can be identified in the paper

3. Quality of language

4. References used are mostly from international reputable sources and up to date.


Q: If you have paid the publication fee for Fast track, is there a possibility that it will be rejected? If rejected, can the publication fee be refunded?

A: The article will go into review process after payment is received, and if revisions have been made in response to the reviewer's feedback, the article will be approved. We will keep requesting adjustments as long as it is inappropriate until the editor accepts it. Based on the outcomes of the review, articles may be rejected. The money will be returned if it is denied.


Q: How can I determine if my topic fits under the scope which can be published in JAROE?

A: Titles that correspond with or are comparable to yours can be found at:

1. You can access our earlier work at this link: https://jurnal.usk.ac.id/JAROE/search/search?simpleQuery=&searchField=query

2. Go to JAROE at this link to view the Focus and Scope: https://jurnal.usk.ac.id/JAROE/about/editorialPolicies#focusAndScope


Q: Why is my manuscript status still "Waiting Assignment" after over a month?

A: It means your manuscript status is still on the waiting list for initial desk evaluation process by the Editorial Board. The initial screening will take approximately 1-2 weeks, nevertheless it may be longer up until 1 month.


Q: When can I get an LoA?

A: After final approval by BoE (Board of Editors) and your manuscript is accepted and APC has been paid by author(s). The process for obtaining an LOA depends on the author’s speed and accuracy when performing revisions.


Q: if you have further question, is there a number to call?

A: You can reach out to this email jaroe@usk.ac.id if you have any more questions.