Muhajir Muhajir, Sugiarto Sugiarto, Yusria Darma
There are six standard components of passenger service at the passenger port, namely safety, security, reliability, comfort, convenience, and equality. These six components are the benchmark for minimum service standards (SPM) for the operation of ports. The Ulee Lheue port is one of the ports in Aceh that acts as a transportation node that serves population mobility, vehicle movement, and logistics, to and from Sabang City and Pulo Aceh as tourist destinations. Operational activities and services at the Ulee Lheue port are not yet optimal, as can be seen from the lack of orderly activities for the departure and arrival of passengers and vehicles, poorly maintained infrastructure conditions, and the lack of facilities supporting aspects of safety, security, and comfort for service users. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the quality of service at the Ulee Lheue port according to the port performance criteria instrument. The object of this research is the Ulee Lheue ferry port. The secondary data was collected from the Aceh Province Department of Transportation, and the primary data is collected directly from the Uleue Lheueu port. The secondary data consists of regulatory data, port productivity data, and data on standard components of port services. The port facility data is then verified in the field by referring to the checklist item from the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation. Furthermore, an analysis of service performance at the Ulee Lheue ferry port was carried out referring to the Regulation of the Director-General of Land Transportation No. KP.5062/AP005/DRJD/2020. The results of the analysis show that the application of service standards at the ferry port shows that the quality of service for passengers at the Ulee Lheue ferry port is classified as C category (adequate) with a weighted value of 67.92%. This C class of quality of service is caused by several service attributes set out in the regulation of passenger service standards at the ferry port which have not been fulfilled optimally, there are even service attributes that do not have performance such as attributes of advanced transport information, passenger information service facilities, uniformed security officers and identity, toilets for men and women and facilities for passengers with disabilities.
Passenger service; Ferry port; Quality of service; Regulation of passenger service; Ulee Lheueu
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__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan (Journal of Archive in Civil Engineering and Planning).
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