The development of technological aspects in the construction field continues to advance to generate more effective and efficient working methods, such as Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology. The progress of BIM has been rapid and has become a new standard within the scope of AEC (Architecture, Engineering, and Construction). One potential application of BIM in the construction industry is its implementation in the Mutual Check-100 (MC-100) phase. The application of BIM methods can assist in the process of MC-100 preparation due to several advantages, including the ability to integrate multiple project elements into a single file type, thereby facilitating coordination (resulting in faster processes), reducing the need for human resources, and minimizing errors in the calculation of quantity take-off. This research compares the structural work volume and cost estimation analysis results between the BIM and conventional methods in the MC-100 phase. In this study, the structural component modeling is carried out through the integration of structural analysis models between open BIM software using the Speckle Manager platform. The research findings indicate that the BIM method yields a lower volume of concrete work with a difference of 0.2% and a 12.5% difference in reinforcement volume compared to the conventional method. The BIM method also results in a cost estimation analysis with costs 8.8% lower than the conventional method. By using the BIM method, information about structural work which includes dimensions, specifications and cost estimates is integrated in a 3D model, a better and more accurate identification is obtained than using conventional methods.
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__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan (Journal of Archive in Civil Engineering and Planning).
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