After the tsunami earthquake in Aceh on December 26 2004, theKorem 012/TU Mess Building experienced some damage, bothstructural and non-structural damage. The Korem Mess Building wasevaluated with the naked eye or with the help of a camera and checkedfor damage, especially cracks in the columns. The main objective ofthis research is to compare the internal forces in the structure anddetermine the deviation between floors. The data used for this researchis in the form of planning data which includes concrete andreinforcement materials, while the loading data is in the form of loadscarried on the structure to be combined, namely dead, live andearthquake loads. The research method used uses graph and tableanalysis methods with SAP2000 v14 software analysis by taking 12columns on the first floor which will be strengthened. Generatinginternal forces such as maximum moment, maximum latitude force,and axial force before and after the column is strengthened for apercentage increase of 85%, 46%, 35% respectively. The drift betweenfloors after reducing the structural displacement is up to 3% of thebuilding structural displacement without jacketing. From the analysisresults it can be seen that the column capacity after being strengthenedusing the jacketing method is 2212.18 kN compared to 1480.86 kNbefore strengthening, resulting in a difference in capacity increase inthe column of 731.32 kN. So the jacketing method on ordinarycolumns is recommended as a repair method for the Korem 012/TUUjong Karang Mess Building.
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__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan (Journal of Archive in Civil Engineering and Planning).
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