Syafiatun Siregar, Feri Mahfizar, Sarra Ramadhani


The problem of flooding and inundation is a problem that is always a problem in urban areas. The Letda Sudjono area, which is located on the border of Medan City and Deliserdang Regency, is an area that frequently experiences flooding. The impact of flooding will have an impact on health, damage to public facilities and infrastructure, cessation of economic activities and the biggest impact is the cessation of public services. The aim of this research is to determine the drainage system of the Letda Sudjono Area and to analyze the drainage design of the Letda Sudjono Area. The research was carried out based on a study of various secondary data as well as accurate field data as primary data. The research results obtained were 1) collection areas in the planning area, namely collection areas around gas stations, the Bandar Selamat toll gate and between Jl. Padang and Jl. Bantan, 2) Rainfall used with a return period of 5 years, 3) Calculation of flow analysis plan according to maximum rainfall. Based on channel capacity calculations, it was found that the existing channel could not accommodate flood discharge, causing inundation. From the research results, it is necessary to change the drainage system in the Letda Sudjono area. The rain catchment area around the Bandar Selamat Toll Road should be partially diverted to the Titi Sewa primary drainage. it is hoped that with the construction of drainage on Jl. Lt. Sujono Medan Titi Sewa will eliminate inundation areas around the Bandar Selamat toll road and between Jl. Padang and Jl. Bantan.


Drainage; Channel capacity; Letda Sudjono

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Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan (Journal of Archive in Civil Engineering and Planning).

Terakreditasi SINTA 3 Berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi, Nomor: 158/E/KPT/2021.

E-ISSN: 2615-1340 P-ISSN: 2620-7567 Organized by Program Studi Magister Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik.

Published by Universitas Syiah Kuala.
Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Syiah Kuala, Darussalam - Banda Aceh, 23111

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The Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan (Journal of Archive in Civil Engineering and Planning).
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