Review Guide
SECTION I: Information |
Reviewer’s Name: |
E-Mail: |
Manuscript Number: |
Title: |
Authors: |
Date Sent to Reviewer: |
Date Expected from Reviewer: |
SECTION II: Comments per Section of Manuscript |
General comment: |
Introduction: |
Method: |
Results: |
Discussion: |
References: |
Others: |
Decision: |
SECTION III - Please rate the following: (4= Excellent) (3 = Good) (2 = Fair) (1 = poor) |
Originality: |
Contribution to the Field: |
Technical Quality: |
Clarity of Presentation: |
Depth of Research: |
SECTION IV - Recommendation: (Kindly choose one and mark it with an X) |
Accept as Is: |
Requires Minor Corrections: |
Requires Moderate Revision: |
Requires Major Revision: |
Submit to Another Publication Such As: |
Reject on Grounds of (Please Be Specific): |
SECTION V: Additional Comments |
You can download Review Guide Form of Biologi Edukasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi)