Posyandu merupakan sarana penting di dalam masyarakat untuk mendukung upaya pencapaian masyarakat sejahtera. berhasil tidaknya posyandu dipengaruhi oleh minat dan motivasi kader dalam menjalankan peran dan fungsinya sebagai kader. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa tingkat kinerja kader posyandu berdasarkan faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kinerja kader posyandu di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Blang Bintang dengan wilayah kerja Puskesmas Darussalam. Penelitian deskriptif komparatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional study. Sampel sebanyak 187 responden terdiri dari 93 responden di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Blang Bintang dan 94 responden di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Darussalam, dan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Analisa data menggunakan uji Mann Whitney U test pada α= 0,05. Hasil penelitian, kinerja kader kedua wilayah berada pada katagori baik (n=104, 55.6%). Ketika memisahkan berdasarkan wilayah kerja, kinerja kader di wilayah Blang Bintang memiliki proporsi lebih tinggi daripada kinerja kader di wilayah Darussalam (59.1% vs 52.1%). Hasil perbandingan, kinerja kader posyandu di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Blang Bintang memiliki Mean rank lebih tinggi dari kader di wilayah kerja Darussalam (95.28 vs 92.33) namun tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan pada tingkat kinerja (Z= .1.35, p.31).
Kata Kunci : Kinerja, kader posyandu, pelatihan, motifasi, Insentif.
Posyandu is an important tool in the community to support efforts to achieve a prosperous society. the success of the Posyandu influenced by the interest and motivation of cadres in carrying out its role and function as a cadre. This study aimed to analyze the performance level of Posyandu’scadres based on factors affected the performance of Posyandu cadres in the Blang Bintang and Darussalam regions. This descriptive-comparative study was using cross sectional study design. The research sample 187 responden consisted of 93 respondents from Blang Bintang region and 94 respondents from Darussalam. Samples were collected by using purposive sampling technique. The data were analyzed using the Mann Whitney U test to identify mean rank difference of posyandu cadres’ working performance levels in both regions. The results of the study showed that the cadres’s working performance of both areas were in good category (n= 104, 55.6%). If chategorized by working area, the working performance of Blang Bintang posyandu cadreswere better than the working performance of Darussalam cadres (59.1% vs 52.1%). The comparison results revealed that the Blang Bintang posyandu cadres’s working performance had higher mean rank (95.28) than those of Darussalam prosyandu cadres’(92.33), but there was no signifikan difference working (Z= .1.35, p.31).
Keywords : Working performance, Posyandu cadres, training, motivation, incentives.
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Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan
ISSN (Print): 2338 – 6371
ISSN (Online): 2550 – 018X
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