Karakter Animasi Kecerdasan Emosional sebagai Media Komunikasi Interaksionisme Simbolik

Prima Virginia


Animasi tidak lagi sekedar menampilkan karikatur lucu berteknologi 3D, tapi juga karakter yang biasanya sulit dilihat kasat mata, yakni Emotional Intelligence atau kecerdasan emosional yang digambarkan di film animasi Inside Out dan drama Korea Selatan Yumi’s Cells. Karakter animasi kecerdasan emosional yang menghuni otak manusia mampu divisualisasikan saling berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi sehingga merepresentasikan konsep teori Interaksionisme Simbolik. Penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisis percakapan ini menawarkan hal baru tentang hubungan dan urutan proses terbentuknya komunikasi interaksionisme simbolik dari tiga konsep dalam teori interaksionisme simbolik dari dua versi yakni George Herbert Mead dan Herbert Blummer melalui interaksi karakter animasi dalam film Inside Out dan drama Yumi’s Cells. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakter animasi sel kecerdasan emosional yang digambarkan pada film Inside Out dan drama Yumi’s Cells mampu mendominasi representasi konsep interaksionis simbolik dengan memberikan visualisasi perasan dan emosi.

Animation is not only about the presentation of 3D caricatures but also about something beyond the scope of aesthetics, such as Emotional Intelligence which is portrayed in the animated film Inside Out and South Korean drama series Yumi’s Cells. The animated emotional intelligence characters who ‘lives inside the human brain’ are visualized as communicating and interacting with each other, representing the concept of Symbolic Interactionism Theory. This qualitative research, with a conversation analysis approach, offered a new point about the relationship and sequence process in the formation of three concepts in symbolic interactionism theory from George Herbert Mead and Herbert Blummer through the interactions of the animated characters in the film Inside Out and drama Yumi’s Cells. The results of the study showed that the characters of animated cells with emotional intelligence in the animated films Inside Out and Yumi's Cells could dominate the representation of the symbolic interactionist concepts by visualizing emotions and feelings.


Animasi; Animation; Emotional Intelligence; Interaksionisme Simbolik; Kecerdasan Emosional; Symbolic Interactionism

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24815/jkg.v11i1.24717

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