The Ectoparasites Inventory on Cultured Carp in Floating Cage Net at Laut Tawar Lake Kabupaten Aceh Tengah
The aimed of this research is inventoried the parasites of carp in floating cage net at Laut Tawar
Lake. This study used 100 fishes consisted of 50 fries and 50 reproductive stadia. The result of this
research indicates the parasites found in the fishes are Trichodina sp., Ichtyophthirius multifiliis,
Dactylogyrus sp., Gyrodactylus sp., Epistylis sp. and Lernaea sp. Protozoan parasites were found in all
fishes and infected fish organs, while metazoan parasites infected fins and gills and copepods only infected
Keywords: parasites, carps, floating cage net, Laut Tawar Lake
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