Jurnal Medika Veterinaria

Jurnal Medika Veterinaria is published biannually in February and August. The scope of this journal includes Veterinary Medicine, Animal Science, Science, and Medicine. The journal accepts original research papers, case study, and review article. All submissions are evaluated by peer reviewers who are experts in the relevant fields. The content of accepted papers is the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors.


The aims of this journal:

  1. To promote the advancement of veterinary medicine through the dissemination of high-quality, peer-reviewed research and clinical studies.
  2. To facilitate the sharing of knowledge and innovations in veterinary science among researchers, practitioners, and educators.
  3. To encourage interdisciplinary collaboration by publishing research that intersects with related fields such as animal science, biomedical research, and public health.

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Vol 18, No 2 (2024): J. Med.Vet

Table of Contents


Indra Rahmawati, Olan Rahayu Puji Astuti Nussa, Lailia Dwi Kusuma Wardhani, Rochiman Sasmita
M. Nur Salim, Nurul Sakinah Azhar, Dian Masyitha, Henni Vanda, Rosmaidar Rosmaidar, Zainuddin Zainuddin
Farid Ikram Kamil, Yasmin Nadhiva Narindria, Khairil Anwar Notodiputro, Indahwati Indahwati, Laily Nissa Mualifah, Stefanus Morgan Setyadi Perdana Putra
Juliani Juliani, Irmayanti Irmayanti, M. Daud AK