This research is to find out the comparison and test the correlation between per capita income, demographic culture and achievement of SDG2 (Poverty and Hunger Index) which is analyzed descriptively between the western and eastern regions of Indonesia. The research was conducted by looking at two years of data, namely data for 2016 and 2020, as implicit from the initial transition from the MDGs to SDGs and as an evaluation of the five-year journey of the SDGs program. The research was conducted in two regions in Indonesia, namely the eastern region and the western region of Indonesia, each consisting of 14 provinces through panel data. The methodology for compiling the PHI (Poverty and Hunger Index) index is based on the methodology for compiling the Human Development Index (HDI) conducted by UNDP. The results of the study show that the value of the poverty and hunger index (PHI) in the eastern and western regions of Indonesia is still high, reflecting that the poverty and hunger index in these regions still needs to be corrected. Based on the data, it is described that in 2020 all regions of the Western region will experience an improvement in the trend of the poverty and hunger index compared to 2016. There is a very close correlation between the variables of the poverty and hunger index and the Demographic Culture in the West and Eastern regions of Indonesia, which includes population density, fertility rate, and income percapita
Keywords: SDG2, Poverty Hunger Index (PHI), Demographic Culture, Income Percapita
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24815/jped.v9i2.30574
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Syiah Kuala University
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