Implementation of Phenomenon-based Learning E-Module to Improve Critical Thinking Skills in Thermochemistry Material

Bella Pratiwi*, Jimmi Copriady, Lenny Anwar


The covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia has affected various sectors, one of them is in the education sector. Thus, it interferes with the learning processes conventionally. A solution is needed to respond to the problem in the 21st century. Online learning is one of the alternative ways in utilizing the use of IT-based teaching materials. This study aims to improve the students’ critical thinking skills by using an e-module. The research was the quantitative descriptive method. This study was a quasi-experimental by using a nonequivalent control group design. The samples of the study consisted of 2 classes, namely XI MIPA 1 and XI MIPA 2. The analysis results using independent sample t-test showed a significance value of 0,000 < 0,05. The data analysis results of critical thinking skills used N-gain score test; the experimental class obtained a score of 0,72, in which it belonged to the high category. Meanwhile, the average N-gain score for the control class was 0,34, in which it belonged to the medium category. It can be concluded that there is a significant difference in the students’ critical thinking skills between the experimental class and the control class. Therefore, the implementation of a phenomenon-based learning e-module can be an alternative to improve the students’ critical thinking skills.


E-Module, Phenomenon-based Learning, Critical Thinking, Thermochemistry

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Copyright (c) 2021 Bella Pratiwi

Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Science Education)

ISSN 2338-4379  (print) | 2615-840X (online)
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