Penerapan Sampah Buah Tropis untuk Microbial Fuel Cell
power density of 62 mW/m2. Voc banana substrate has a maximum of 312 mV, maximum current density of 118 mA/m2 and maximum power density of 5.9 mW/m2. The Voc watermelon substrate has a maximum of 451 mV, maximum current density of 306 mA/m2 and maximum power density of 18.6 mW/m2. Voc mango substrate has a maximum of 586 mV, maximum current density of 229 mA/m2 and maximum power density of 4.3 mW/m2. Voc papaya substrate is a maximum of 338 mV, maximum current density of 58 mA/m2 and maximum power density of 2.9 mW/m2. These results show the potential for renewable electricity sources.
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