Substraksi Latar Menggunakan Nilai Mean Untuk Klasifikasi Kendaraan Bergerak Berbasis Deep Learning
Moving object detection systems have been widely used in everyday life. Currently, research in the field of background subtraction is still being carried out to achieve maximum accuracy results. This study aims to model the background subtraction of an image using the mean value with the concept of non-overlapping block. Furthermore, the background abstraction results will be used in deep learning-based moving object detection. Specifically, the input image will be divided into several blocks, then the mean value of each block will be calculated to later produce a binary block (binary map). The binary blocks that have been generated will be used as input for background modeling. The background model aims to separate moving objects from the background in the input image. The resulting moving object (object localization) will be sent to the object classification stage using deep learning. The dataset used in this study is CDNet 2014. The results of the study were able to produce a more accurate moving object detection system. Quantitative tests carried out resulted in an accuracy of above 90%.
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