Measurement of Ankle Brachial Index with Oscillometric Method for Early Detection of Peripheral Artery Disease

Ervin Masita Dewi, Gema Ramadhan, Robinsar Parlindungan, Lenny Iryani, Trisno Yuwono


Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) is a blood vessel disease caused by blockage or plaque accumulation around the artery walls. PAD is included in the category of diseases that are often diagnosed too late and affect more severe cases, such as the death of certain tissues or body parts. The Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) is an accurate non-invasive method for diagnosing PAD, in practice, ABI is usually performed in certain hospitals and is still difficult to find due to limited tools. Therefore, a tool is made that can detect the condition of a person's PAD based on the ABI value. The tool is made using two MPX5050GP sensors to detect oscillometric pulses, a DC pump and solenoid valve as an actuator to pump and deflate the cuff, ADS1115 as an external ADC to increase the accuracy of sensor readings, as well as an LCD and buzzer as tool indicators. The output is displayed in the form of a print out from a thermal printer, with an emergency stop that functions as a safety system to power off the supply when a failure occurs in the measurement process. Oscillometric method is used to detect systolic and diastolic pressure. The accuracy of the tool is 95.5%. This accuracy result is obtained by comparing the readings of systolic and diastolic values using a sphygmomanometer which is commonly used.


Peripheral Arterial Disease; Ankle Brachial Index; Oscillometric

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