A Usability Analysis of QODE: Qurbani Web Application System

Dalila Husna Yunardi, Maya Fitria, Rahmad Dawood, Teuku M. Syahril Nur Alamsyah


Qurbani is an Islamic ritual animal sacrifice that is carried out during Eid-Adha; one of the two major Muslim holidays. In Indonesia, every village normally has one mosque that takes charge of organizing any related Qurbani activities, from collecting money, creating slaughter schedule, to distributing the meat for the recipients. The current management of these activities is done manually and by hand, which can potentially have errors. Therefore, this research aims to develop and evaluate the usability of a web-based application that will in part take care of Qurbani-related activities. This application is designed and developed using the Scrum methodology. The application as successfully developed and its functionalities are as expected based on design. The application was then evaluated using System Usability Scale (SUS) with 10 respondents. The application obtained the average score of 91.25 which falls into A or excellent category.


Qurbani application, web-based, usability testing, usability analysis, System Usability Scale

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17529/jre.v18i3.27227

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