Samsuri Samsuri, Winahyu Winahyu


The research entitled "Meurukon's lyric and The Meaning of lyric as a Warning in Life". Raising the problem in this research is how the Meurukon's Lyric and the Meaning of the lyric. This study aims to describe the lyric and meaning of the Meurukon’s lyric. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach with a descriptive type of research. The location of this research is in Gampong Lamgapang, Krueng Barona Jaya District, Aceh Besar. The subjects in this study are the Chair (Syech) and members of Meurukon in Gampong Lamgapang, Krueng Barona Jaya districts, Aceh Besar, while the object to be studied is the lyric and the meaning of Meurukon's lyric. The data in this study were collected using observation and interview techniques. The analysis used is data reduction, data presentation and data verification. The results of the study show that Meurukon is a religious learning method or a da'wah method because the lyric discuss religious knowledge. One of them is like the Meurukon lyric in Gampong Lamgapang which contains God's commands and prohibitions to avoid Hell. Through Meurukon lyric can be used as a warning for us in life.


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