The 4th AISCE 2023 (Aceh International Symposium on Civil Engineering) |
Posted: 2023-07-28 | |
Jurnal Teknik Sipil is now SINTA 3 (Indonesia Journal Accreditation) |
We are happy to announce that Jurnal Teknik Sipil has now been accreditated by Indonesia Journal Accreditation Board (SINTA) as SINTA 3. This status is valid for publications start from Volume 10(2) 2021 until Volume 15(1) 2026. This has been announced through DIKTI Decree No. 204/E/KPT/2022 on October 3, 2022. We thank to all contributors, editors, reviewers, as well as authors who have been committed to support us throughout the process. With this new status, it means that the journal has been acknowledged for its efforts in ensuring the quality and consistencies in scientific publications. Simultaneoulsy, we urge prospective authors to keep in mind their research originalities, novelties, as well as high quality of articles when submitting to Jurnal Teknik Sipil. Also, we invite to interested reviewers to hand-in hand with us to guard future publications of Jurnal Teknik Sipil. We look forward to strengthening the scientific engagements of civil engineers through publishing your works at Jurnal Teknik Sipil.
Regards, Prof. Syamsidik Chief Editor of Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Syiah Kuala |
Posted: 2023-04-27 | More... |
Dear Readers, Jurnal Teknik Sipil (JTS) Universitas Syiah Kuala proudly announce that since this November, our journal has been officially indexed at COPERNICUS’s Journal Master List. This is a renowned index system that would leverage our journal further to readers, researchers and academia in the field of civil engineering. Furthermore, in early 2020, our journal has been also indexed at DOAJ System.
Simultaneously, we invite researchers and civil engineers to submit their manuscript to JTS journal system by following our journal submission procedure. We look forward to publishing again in the near future.
Regards, Dr. Syamsidik Editor-in-chief
Posted: 2020-12-20 | More... |
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