Publication Ethics Statement

Publication Ethics Statement


All published articles must contain original works dan authors must ensure that no repeatition or plagiarims has been committed. Data and information provided in the published articles must be accurate, produced from standardized research methods, and no falsification/fake data or information included. Violation to this matter is considered a serious offence to scientific ethics and the artilce will be automatically retracted from Jurnal Teknik Sipil.

Data Access and Storage

Authors must store all data in all forms, either in raw data or manipulated data in their system or in their database. In the case where reviewers/editors request the data, authors must provide them in timely manner. Storing data in publicaly accessible system is encourage. 

Originality and Plagiarism

Authors must strictly maintain thei research originality and avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism, in all forms, are not accepted at Jurnal Teknik Sipil. This includes figures or tables without proper citations, or rephrased paragraphs without sufficient quotation. Jurnal Teknik Sipil applies online similarity checking. Only manuscripts/articles with similarity lower than 25% are accepted for review process and further publication process. 


Articles submitted to Jurnal Teknik Sipil should have not been published at other journal or media, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Double publication is not permitted at Jurnal Teknik Sipil. Should the article found at other media/journal, authors must rectract their articles from Jurnal Teknik Sipil. 

Citation Recognition

Sufficient source recognition should be written clearly in the article. Individually gathered information, either through conversation, correspondence, or discussions with other parties should be clearly stated. 

Equality in Publication

Review and publication of all submitted articles are performed free from any bias, such as on gender, nationality, race, and faith.