Analisis Frasa dalam Dendang Si Miskin-Miskin

Rika Kustina, Rahmin Rahmin


This research is entitled “A Phrase Analysis on the Dendang of Aceh Singkil the Poor-Poor”. This study discusses (1) the form of the phrase, (2) the type of phrase, (3) the category of the phrase, and (4) the meaning of the phrase. This study aims to (1) describe the form of the phrase, (2) describe the type of phrase, (3) describe the category of the phrase, and (4) describe the meaning of the phrase. The data and data sources of this research are the singing text "The Poor-Poor" while the research data are the phrases contained in the text. This research method is descriptive qualitative. Data was collected by means of (1) listening and note-taking techniques that were heard on the video and (2) introspection methods. Data processing is done by reading the script, looking for data in the script, and registering the data. Data analysis is done by paying attention to the data, analyzing the data, classifying the data, and describing the data. The results of the research and discussion state that the Singkil language phrases consist of endocentric and exocentric phrases, then the category aspect consists of noun phrases, verbs, adjectives, prepositions, numerals, pronouns, and adverbs, while the meanings are stating the number/amount, confirming/telling, circumstances, types, such as, denial, place of destination/destination, place of being, place of origin, property, part, time, limitation, completion, being in, combination, tool, convincing, and idiom..

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ISSN 2337-4462  (print) | ISSN 2655-0040 (online)
Organized by Universitas Syiah Kuala 
Published by Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia FKIP Universitas Syiah Kuala
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