Peningkatan Kemampuan Mengenal Huruf Vokal dan Konsonan Melalui Permainan Kancing Huruf pada Anak Kelompok B TK Poteumeureuhom Banda Aceh

Yusrawati Jr Simatupang, Farida Arian


This study aims to improve the ability to recognize vowels and consonants through playing letter buttons in group B children at Poteumeureuhom Kindergarten Banda Aceh. This type of research is Classroom Action Research or (Classroom Action Research). The results of the first cycle of research were 13 children on the indicator of knowing vowels in the BB category as many as 3 children (23%), MB 5 children (39%), BSH 3 children (23%) and BSB category 2 children (15%), indicator know consonant letters with BB category as many as 2 children (15%), MB 7 children (54%), BSH 3 children (23%) and BSB category 2 children (15%), indicators of composing letters into words with BB category as many as 4 children (31%), MB 5 children (39%), BSH 2 children (15%) and BSB category 1 child (8%), indicators of completing letters in words with BB category 5 children (39%), MB 3 children ( 23%), BSH 3 children (23%) and BSB category 1 child (8%). The results of the second cycle of research from 13 children on indicators of knowing vowels in the BB category were 1 child (8%), MB 2 children (15%), BSH 8 children (62%) and BSB category 2 children (15%), indicators knowing consonant letters with the BB category as many as 0 children (0%), MB 2 children (15%), BSH 9 children (70%) and BSB category 2 children (15%), indicators of composing letters into words with BB category as many as 0 children ( 0%), MB 1 child (8%), BSH 10 children (77%) and BSB category 2 children (15%), indicators of completing letters in words with BB category as many as 1 child (8%), MB 3 children (23 %), BSH 8 children (62%) and BSB category 2 children (15%). Based on the results of this study, the success indicator set at 76% has been fulfilled. Based on the results of the study above, it can be concluded that there is an increase in the ability to recognize vowels and consonants in group B children at TK Poteumeureuhom Banda Aceh through playing letter buttons.

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ISSN 2337-4462  (print) | ISSN 2655-0040 (online)
Organized by Universitas Syiah Kuala 
Published by Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia FKIP Universitas Syiah Kuala
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