Analisis Pelanggaran Prinsip Kerjasama dalam Debat Capres dan Cawapres Republik Indonesia 2019

Wirduna Wirduna, Uun Wawadika


This study aims to (1) describe the violation of the principle of cooperation in the 2019 presidential and vice presidential candidate debates of the Republic of Indonesia, (2) describe the intent of violations of the maxims of cooperation used in the debates of the presidential and vice presidential candidates for the Republic of Indonesia in 2019. The data in this study are events. communication in the form of debates for the presidential and vice presidential candidates of the Republic of Indonesia in 2019. This research uses qualitative methods. The data collection techniques used in this study were the listening and note taking technique. The steps used in the listening and note technique are listening, identifying, interpreting, understanding, assessing and taking notes. The data were analyzed reading the entire data carefully, selecting the data carefully, analyzing the data according to the problem formulation, concluding the results of the analysis to interpret maxims violations. The validity of the data was obtained through the persistence and persistence of the researcher. The results of the research show that in the debate there are several types of violations of maxims, namely (1) maxim of quantity, (2) maxim of quality, (3) relationship /relevance, and (4) ways /actions. ways /actions and intentions of expressing opinions, namely as many as 18 data. Second, the maximal relationship /relevance, namely 5 data.Third, the maximal quantity, which is 4 data.Fifth, maximal quality, which is 3 data. From the research results, it was found that the most dominant types of violations of maxims, functions and intentions were violations of the maxims of means /actions. This means that the speech participants in the 2019 vice presidential candidate debate of the Republic of Indonesia often answer questions with vague statements, inaccuracy, long-winded answers, irregular speech, so that they are vague /ambiguous.

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ISSN 2337-4462  (print) | ISSN 2655-0040 (online)
Organized by Universitas Syiah Kuala 
Published by Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia FKIP Universitas Syiah Kuala
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