Comparative Law of Doen Pleger in the Crime of Terrorism in Indonesia, America, and Australia
The purpose of this research is to compare the order to commit the crime of terrorism in Indonesia, the United States, and Australia. The research method uses normative juridical research with a statutory approach, approach, and approach. The technique of collecting legal materials is done through a literature study with primary and secondary legal sources. The method of analysis used is deductive analysis, which is descriptive-qualitative with a philosophical perspective. Comparison of the act of ordering to commit the crime of terrorism in Indonesia, America, and Australia is a crime that can be categorized as a serious crime, so the crime of terrorism is a crime that endangers every country. The crime of terrorism is an international crime that must be eradicated. In Indonesia, Australia, and the United States, the crime of terrorism is considered a political policy measure that requires the eradication of the crime of terrorism because it threatens the safety of society, citizens, and the security of the state itself.
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