Ghansham Anand


This article explores the legal framework surrounding the civil liability of superiors for unlawful acts committed by employees, particularly within the context of Article 1367 of the Indonesian Civil Code which has not regulated about a criteria that the superior cannot be liable for unlawful acts committed by the employee. The problem formulations in this article are first, what are the characteristics of superior civil liability for unlawful acts committed by employees? Second, what is the ratio decedendi of the panel of judges related to the superior's civil liability for unlawful acts committed by the employee. This article is a legal research with statute, conceptual, case, and comparative approach. The results of this article are first, there are four key criteria which a superior may not be held liable for the employee's unlawful actions. Second, regarding the application of superior liability for unlawful acts committed by employees, it is proven that there are instances where the superior may not be held civilly liable for the actions of employees.


Superior liability, unlawful act, vicarious liability, the responsibility of superiors

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