Ni Putu Ratnayutika


The phenomenon of insulting national heroes on social media has become a serious problem that tarnishes the reputation and dignity of heroes, potentially threatening national unity and noble values, and raising questions about the effectiveness of laws in protecting their honor in the rapidly developing digital era. This research aims to analyze the forms of criminal legal protection for national heroes against insults on social media in Indonesia, as well as identifying obstacles and law enforcement efforts in handling such cases. This study uses normative legal research methods with statutory and conceptual approaches, analyzing primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials through literature studies, and applying descriptive-analytical qualitative analysis to examine criminal legal protection for national heroes against insults on social media in Indonesia. The research results show that criminal legal protection for national heroes against insults on social media in Indonesia is primarily based on the ITE Law and the Criminal Code, with threats of imprisonment and fines for violators. However, law enforcement faces various obstacles, including technical challenges in digital tracing, unclear legal definitions, conflicts with the principle of freedom of expression, and limited capacity of law enforcement. Efforts to overcome these obstacles include increasing law enforcement capacity, public education, regulatory updates, strengthening international cooperation, and implementing stricter sanctions, with the aim of creating a safer digital environment while maintaining a balance between law enforcement and protection of freedom of expression


Heroes , Insults, Social Media, Criminal Law, Law Enforcement

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