Impeachment of the Head of State in Indonesia: Threats to Presidentialism or Improving the Constitutional System

Muhammad Mutawalli Mukhlis, Georges Olemanu Lohalo, Mirela Imširović, Piaget Mpoto Balebo


One crucial element in a presidential-based system is the impeachment process for the president. Prior to the amendments, Indonesia lacked a clear mechanism for removing a president during their term. The removal was determined by a majority vote in the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR), which posed problems because this process was entirely political and did not involve legal aspects. After the amendments, the idea emerged that in a presidential system, a president cannot be removed solely through political means; a legal process must be followed first. Therefore, this article aims to explain the mechanism of presidential impeachment in Indonesia by comparing it with other countries. The method used in this study is normative juridical. Based on the analysis conducted, it is evident that presidential impeachment in Indonesia, in a normative sense, contradicts the principle of checks and balances, particularly because this process does not involve a second chamber.


Impeachment, Head of State, Law, Constitutional, Indonesia.

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