Pengaruh Keberadaan Corpus Luteum terhadap Kualitas dan Tingkat Maturasi Oosit Domba Lokal Umur Pubertas Awal Secara In Vitro

Rini Widyastuti, Mas Rizky Anggun Adipurna Syamsunarno, Alvin Yusuf, Muhammad Rosyid Ridhlo, Sigit Prastowo


ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh keberadaan corpus luteum (CL) pada ovarium domba umur pubertas awal terhadap kualitas oosit hasil koleksi dan tingkat maturasinya secara in vitro (IVM). Sebanyak 279 oosit digunakan, terbagi pada kelompok tanpa CL (CL-) sebanyak 143 dan dengan CL (CL+) sebanyak 136. Oosit dipilih berdasarkan homogenitas sitoplasma dan dikelompokkan sesuai jumlah lapisan sel kumulus yaitu grade 1 (>4 lapis), grade 2 (3–4 lapis) dan grade 3 (0–2 lapis). Media IVM menggunakan Tissue Culture Media 199 ditambah antibiotik, Follicle Stimulating Hormone, dan 10% Fetal Bovine Serum. Maturasi dilakukan pada inkubator 38,5°C, 5% CO2 selama 24 jam. Pasca IVM, tingkat kematangan oosit dievaluasi berdasar kemunculan Polar Body I (PB I). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan CL tidak berpengaruh terhadap kualitas oosit yang dikoleksi pada semua grade. Keberadaan CL berpengaruh pada tingkat kematangan oosit pada grade 1 sebesar 48,64% dibandingkan CL- sebesar 47,19% (p<0,05). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa berpengaruh pada tingkat kematangan oosit setelah IVM. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan potensi penggunaan oosit ternak umur pubertas awal untuk digunakan lebih lanjut dalam program produksi embrio secara in vitro.


(Effect of the presence of corpus luteum on oocytes quality and in vitro maturation rate of ewes at early puberty

ABSTRACT. This study aims to know effect of presence of corpus luteum (CL) to collected oocytes quality and its maturation rate post in vitro maturation (IVM), on local ewes ovary at early puberty. In total 279 oocytes were collected, 143 without CL (CL-) and 136 with CL present (CL+). Oocytes were selected according to sitoplasma hemogenity, divided into 3 grades according to cumulus cell (CC) layer namely Grade 1, 2 and 3 indicated by >4, 3–4, and 0–2 CC layers, respectively. The IVM media was Tissue Culture Media 199 supplemented with antibiotic, Follicel Stimulating Hormone, and 10% Fetal Bovine Serum following culture at 38.5°C and 5% CO2. Twenty four hours post IVM, oocytes were evaluated on the presence of Polar Body I. Result showed that oocytes quality were not different among group in all grades. The present of CL gives better maturation rate in grade 1 compared to CL- (48.64 vs 47.19%; p<0.05). The present finding show that the presence of CL improves oocytes maturation rate post IVM. Moreover, this study shows the potency of using oocytes from ewes ovary at early puberty for further in vitro embryo production program


corpus luteum; pubertas awal; kualitas oosit; tingkat kematangan oosit; early puberty; oocyte quality; oocyte maturation rate

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