Pengaruh Tepung Daun Kipait (Tithonia diversifolia) dalam Pakan terhadap Performa, Persentase Karkas, Lemak Abdominal, dan Giblet Broiler
ABSTRAK. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat pengaruh penggunaan tepung daun kipait (Tithonia diversifolia) (TDTD) terhadap performa, persentase karkas, persentase lemak abdominal, dan bobot relatif giblet. Penelitian menggunakan 200 ekor Day Old Chick (DOC) Strain CP 707 dengan rata-rata bobot badan adalah 106,03±11,99 g/ekor. Pakan perlakuan disusun berdasarkan standar kebutuhan nutrisi broiler periode starter dan grower dan diberikan mulai umur 7 hari sampai 35 hari. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan lima perlakuan dan empat ulangan, setiap ulangan terdiri atas 10 ekor broiler. Perlakuan dalam penelitian adalah sebagai berikut: P1: Pakan kontrol (0% TDTD); P2: Pakan mengandung 4% TDTD; P3: Pakan mengandung 6% TDTD; P4: pakan mengandung 8% TDTD; dan P5: pakan mengandung 10% TDTD. Peubah yang diukur adalah performa broiler (konsumsi pakan (g/ekor); pertambahan bobot badan (g/ekor); konversi pakan); persentase karkas, persentase lemak abdominal, bobot relatif giblet. Hasil analisis sidik ragam menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan TDTD dalam pakan signifikan (P<0,05) memengaruhi konsumsi pakan namun tidak signifikan (P>0,05) memengaruhi pertambahan bobot badan, konversi, persentase karkas, persentase lemak abdominal dan giblet. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah TDTD dapat digunakan di dalam pakan sebanyak 4% tanpa memengaruhi performa broiler (konsumsi pakan, pertambahan bobot badan dan konversi pakan). Kemudian penggunaan sampai 10% dapat menurunkan persentase lemak abdominal dan peningkatan persentase karkas.
(Effect of feeding Mexican sunflower (Tithonia diversifolia) leaf meal on performance, carcass percentage, abdominal fat, and giblet of broilers)
ABSTRACT. The research aimed to see the influence of the used of Mexican sunflower (Tithonia diversifolia) leaf meal (TDLM) on the performance, the percentage of carcasses, the percentage of abdominal fat and the relative weight of giblets. The experiment used 200 day old chick (CP 707) with an average body weight of 106.03 ± 11.99 g/bird.. The treatment diet were arranged according to the standard requirements for the starter and grower period broiler nutrition. The experimental chicken were provided dietary treatments when they were 7-day old and terminated on day 35A completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 4 replications and 10 birds in each replication was used in this experiment. Dietary treatments were: P1= control diet (0% of TDLM); P2= diet containing 4% TDLM ; P3= diet containing 6% TDLM ; P4= diet containing 8% TDLM; and P5: diet containing 10% TDLM. Variables measured were performances (feed consumption; body weight gain and feed conversion); Percentage of carcasses, percentage of abdominal fat, relative weight giblet. The results of analysis of variance showed that the used of TDLM in the diets significant effect (P<0,05) on the feed consumption, but not significantly (P>0,05) affect body weight gain, feed conversion, percentage of carcasses, the percentage of abdominal fat and the relative weight of giblet.. The conclusion of this study was TDLM can be used as 4% in diets without affecting the performance, the percentage of carcasses, the percentage of abdominal fat and the relative weight of giblet. Then the use of up to 10% can reduced the percentage of abdominal fat and increase the percentage of carcasses.
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