Pengaruh Penambahan Pakan Ampas Kelapa yang Difermentasi dengan Penambahan Ammonium Sulfat terhadap Produksi dan Kualitas Telur Ayam Ras
ABSTRACT. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan pakan ampas kelapa (AK) yang difermentasi dengan penambahan ammonium sulfat (AS) terhadap produksi dan kualitas telur telah dilaksanakan. Ampas kelapa ditambahkan AS dengan konsentrasi 0, dan 4% dan 0.1% Ragi (Fermipan®) dan diinkubasi selama 5 dan 7 hari. Substrat yang dihasilkan dicampur kedalam pakan dan diberikan kepada 75 ekor ayam petelur fase bertelur umur 20 minggu selama 24 minggu. Pakan perlakuan yang diberikan adalah: pakan kontrol (KTL), kontrol + AK tanpa AS yang difermentasi selama 5 hari (F5-0AS), kontrol + AK dengan 4% AS yang difermentasi selama 5 hari (F5-4AS), kontrol + AK tanpa AS yang difermentasi selama 7 hari (F7-0AS) dan kontrol + AK dengan 4% AS yang difermentasi selama 7 hari (F7-4AS). Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 5 perlakuan, 5 ulangan dan 3 ekor ayam per ulangan. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan analisis ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Tukey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsumsi ransum, produksi telur, bahan kering ekskreta dan kualitas telur dipengaruhi oleh pakan perlakuan (P<0,05). Perlakuan tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata (P>0,05) terhadap bobot telur, kecernaan bahan kering, persentase kerabang telur, indeks telur dan tinggi albumen. Total bobot telur tertinggi diperoleh pada ayam yang diberi perlakuan fermentasi baik tanpa ataupun dengan penambahan AS. Fermentasi selama 7 hari dapat meningkatkan produksi henday dan jumlah telur. Kualitas terbaik dari aspek indeks kuning telur dan Haugh unit adalah pada perlakuan F7-4AS. Penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa fermentasi dapat meningkatkan total bobot telur dan AS dapat meningkatkan kualitas telur dalam bentuk Haugh unit.
(The effect of coconut dregs fermented with the addition of ammonium sulfate on production and quality of eggs)
ABSTRAK. An experiment was done to determine the effect of coconut dregs (CD) with the addition of ammonium sulfate (AS) prior to fermentation on productive performance and egg quality. Coconut dregs were added with 0 and 4% AS and 0.1% yeast S. cerevisiae (Fermipan®) after autoclaving. The substrates were incubated for 5 and 7 days and mixed into diets and offered to 75 laying hens for 24 weeks. The experimental diets were: control diet (KTL), basal + 5-days- fermented coconut dregs (FCD) without AS (F5-0AS), basal + 5-days FCD with 4% AS (F5-4AS), basal + 7-days- FCD without AS (F7-0AS), basal + 7-days-FCD with 4% AS (F7-4AS). Data were analyzed using analysis of variance with 5 treatments and 5 replications. Data were further tested by the Tukey test. Results of the study indicate that feed intake, hen day production, total egg, total egg mass, excreta dry matter, yolk height, yolk index, and the Haugh unit were statistically affected by the treatments (P<0.05). The effects of treatments were not statistically significant (P>0.05) on individual egg mass, dry matter digestibility, eggshell percentage, egg shape index, and albumen height. The highest total egg mass was found in birds fed the FCD diets. Fermentation for 7 days could improve hen day production total egg. The higher yolk index and Haugh unit were produced by the hens fed the F7-4AS diet than those eggs produced by controlled laying hens. In conclusion, fermentation could improve total egg mass and AS supplementation could increase the Haugh unit.
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Sundu, B., Hatta, U., Mozin, S., Adjis, A., 2019. The effect of fermented coconut dregs with the addition of inorganic selenium on feed digestibility, growth performance and carcass traits of broiler chickens. Livest. Res. Rural Dev. 31: 11. http://www. /lrrd31/11/b_sun31176.html
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Creswell, D.C., Brooks, C.C., 1971. Compositions, apparent digestibility and energy valuation of coconut oil and coconut meal. Anim. Sci. J. 33: 366-369.
Engberg, R.M., Hammershoj, M., Johansen, N.F., Abousekken, M., Steenfeldt, S., Jensen, B.B., 2009. Fermented feed for laying hens: Effects on egg production, egg quality, plumage condition and composition and activity of the intestinal microflora. Br. Poult. Sci. 50: 228-239
Hafsah, H., Damry, H.B., Hatta, U., Sundu, B., 2020. Fermented coconut dregs quality and their effects on the performance of broiler chickens. Trop. Anim. Sci. J. 43: 219-226.
Hatta, U., Sjofjan, O., Rugaya, N., Sundu, B., 2020. Evaluation of crude cellulase from Trichoderma viride – fermented copra meal and its effect on feed digestibility and digestive organs development of broiler chickens.. The 2nd International Conference of Animal Science and Technology. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 492 012133
Kong, C., Adeola, O., 2014. Evaluation of amino acids and energy utilization in feedstuffs for swine and poultry di¬ets. Asian- Australas. J. Anim. Sci. 27: 917-925.
Kumari, B.P., Gupta, B.R., Prakash, M.G., Reddy, A.R. 2008. A study on egg quality traits in japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 4: 227-231.
Mozin, S., Hatta., U., Sarjuni, S., Gobel, M., Sundu, B., 2018. Nutritive value of fermentated coconut flour and rice bran with Aspergillus niger and Saccharomyces cerevisiae: a Preliminary study. International conference on sustainable Agriculture for food security and Sovereignty, University of Sriwijaya, Palembang.
Mozin, S., Hatta, U., Sarjuni, S., Gobel, M., Sundu, B., 2019. Growth Performance, feed digestibility and meat selenium of broilers fed fungi-fermented rice bran with addition of inorganic selenium. Int. J. Poult. Sci. 18: 438-444
Mulyadi, A., Suprijatna, E., Atmomarsono, U. 2017. Pengaruh pemberian tepung limbah udang fermentasi dalam ransum puyuh terhadap kualitas telur. J. Agripet. 17: 95-103.
Noviandi, I., Yaman, M.A., Rinidar, Nurliana, Razali. 2018. Pengaruh pemberian kulit nanas (Ananas comosus L. Merr) fermentasi terhadap persentase karkas dan kolesterol ayam potong. J. Agripet. 18: 123-128
NRC, 1994. Nutrient Requirements of Poultry. National Academy Press, Washington, DC.
Rojas, I.Y.M., Gonzales, E.A., Menocal, J.A., Dos Santos, T.T., Arguello, J.R., Coello, C.L., 2018. Assessment of a phytase included with lactic acid on productive parameters and on deposition of phosphorus, calcium, and zinc in laying hens fed with sorghum-soybean meal based diets. J. Appl. Anim. Res. 46: 314-321.
Steel, R.G.D., Torrie, J.A., 1980. Principles and procedures of statistics. New York, McGraw Hill.
Stojcic, M.D., Milosevic, N., Peric, L., 2012. Determining some exterior and interior quality traits of Japanese quail eggs (Coturnix japonica). J. Agro. Know. 13: 667-672.
Sugiharto, S., Yudiarti, T., Isroli, I., 2019. Growth Performance, Haematological parameters, intestinal microbiology, and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens fed two-stage fermented cassava pulp during finishing phase. Trop. Anim. Sci. J. 42: 113-120
Sukaryana, Y., Atmomarsono, U., Yunianto, V.D., Supriyatna, E., 2010. Bioconversions of palm kernel cake and rice bran mixtures by Trichoderma viride toward nutritional contents. Int. J. Sci. Eng. 1: 27 – 32.
Sundu, B., Kumar, A., Dingle, J., 2009. Feeding value of copra meal for broilers. World Poult. Sci. J. 65:481-491.
Sundu, B., Adjis, A., Hatta, U., 2018. Feeding Value of Coconut Flour either Fermented with Aspergillus niger or Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In : proc. Intsem. LPVT. Pp: 254-259. DOI: Http://
Sundu, B., Hatta, U., Mozin, S., Adjis, A., 2019. The effect of fermented coconut dregs with the addition of inorganic selenium on feed digestibility, growth performance and carcass traits of broiler chickens. Livest. Res. Rural Dev. 31: 11. http://www. /lrrd31/11/b_sun31176.html
Surai, P.F., 2006 Selenium in Nutrition and Health. Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, UK
Syafrizal., Nurliana., Sugito., 2018. Pengaruh pemberian ampas kedele dan bungkil inti sawit (AKBIS) difermentasi dengan Aspergillus niger terhadap kadar lemak dan kolesterol daging dada broiler. J. Agripet. 18: 74-82.
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