Efek Penambahan Ruminer dalam Ransum Sapi Perah terhadap Produksi 4% FCM dan Nutrien Susu

Ujang Hidayat Tanuwiria, Rahmat Hidayat, Raden Febrianto Christi, Andhika M Rizki


ABSTRACT. Sapi perah yang berproduksi tinggi membutuhkan ransum berenergi tinggi dan asam lemak esensial. Penambahan lemak dalam ransum dapat mengatasi kekurangan energi dan asam lemak esensial. Permasalahan umum dari pemberian lemak atau minyak pada dosis tertentu dapat mengganggu ekosistem rumen, sehingga dalam pemberiannya perlu diproteksi. Ruminer adalah suplemen komersial berupa minyak sawit yang diproteksi mineral kalsium. Penelitian ditujukan untuk mengetahui penambahan ruminer dalam ransum lengkap terhadap produksi susu 4% FCM dan produksi nutrien susu sapi perah. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimental terhadap 10 ekor sapi perah Friesian Holstein pada masa laktasi sama. Sapi tersebut dibagi dua, masing-masing lima ekor. Perlakuan berupa ransum tanpa ditambah ruminer (P0) dan ransum ditambah 250 gram ruminer.ekor-1.hari-1 (P1). Peubah yang diamati adalah produksi susu 4% FCM diukur setiap hari selama 60 hari dan kualitas susu diukur setiap 10 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produksi susu 4% FCM, produksi total padatan, lemak, protein dan laktosa susu pada sapi diberi ruminer lebih tinggi (P<0,05) daripada sapi yang tidak diberi ruminer. Disimpulkan bahwa pemberian ruminer meningkatkan produksi susu 4% FCM, total padatan, lemak, protein dan laktosa susu. Pemberian ruminer sebanyak 250 gram.ekor-1hari-1 mampu meningkatkan 2 kg produksi susu 4% FCM pada sapi perah laktasi.


(Effects of ruminer addition in dairy cattle rations on milk 4% FCM and nutrient production)

ABSTRAK. High-yielding dairy cows require high-energy rations and essential fatty acids. The addition of fat in the ration can overcome the lack of energy and essential fatty acids. The general problem of giving fat or oil at certain doses can disrupt the rumen ecosystem, so that it needs to be protected. Ruminer is a commercial supplement in the form of calcium mineral protected palm oil. This research was aimed to determine the addition of ruminants in complete rations on the production of 4% FCM milk and the nutrient production of dairy cow milk. The research was carried out experimentally on 10 dairy cows during the same lactation period. The cow is divided into two, five each. The treatments were rations without adding ruminer (P0) and rations added by 250 grams of ruminer. head-1 day-1 (P1). The variables observed were 4% FCM milk production measured every day for 60 days and milk quality was measured every 10 days. The results showed that the production of 4% FCM milk, the total production of solids, fat, protein and milk lactose in cows fed with ruminer was higher (P <0.05) than cows that were not given ruminer. It was concluded that the provision of ruminer increased milk production by 4% FCM, total solids, fat, protein and milk lactose. Giving a ruminer of 250 grams of head-1.day-1 was able to increase 2 kg of 4% FCM milk production in lactating dairy cows.


nutrien susu; ruminer; sapi perah; produksi susu 4% FCM; dairy cows; nutrient milk production; ruminers; 4% FCM milk production

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17969/agripet.v21i2.20181

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