Analisis Kualitas Semen Ayam Lokal Indonesia Berdasarkan Galur dan Umur Dewasa Kelamin yang Berbeda
ABSTRACT. Rumpun ayam lokal Indonesia sangat bervariasi dan berpotensi menghasilkan ternak dengan kualitas unggul. Evaluasi semen saat umur dewasa kelamin merupakan kriteria penting dalam menseleksi ayam pejantan untuk menghasilkan genetik yang unggul. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan galur dan umur terhadap karakteristik semen ayam lokal yang dipelihara di Kandang Riset Ayam Balai Penelitian Ternak, Ciawi-Bogor. Evaluasi semen dilakukan pada 36 ekor ayam, yang dibagi atas tiga kelompok (ayam Gaok, Sensi-1 Agrinak Abu, dan Sensi-1 Agrinak Pucak), masing-masing berjumlah 12 ekor. Koleksi semen dilakukan dengan teknik massage abdominal pada umur ke-24, 28, 32, dan 36 minggu dari ketiga galur. Parameter yang diamati dalam penelitian ini meliputi volume, pH, gerakan massa, motilitas, dan viabilitas spermatozoa. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis general linear model univariat. Perbedaan umur menunjukkan pengaruh signifikan terhadap volume, motilitas, dan viabilitas spermatozoa ayam (p<0,05). Volume, motilitas, dan viabilitas tertinggi pada umur 32 minggu sebesar 0,44 ml; 79,11%; dan 84,69%. Nilai pH signifikan terhadap tipe galur (p<0,05) dengan pH tertinggi 7,91 pada ayam Gaok. Interaksi galur dengan umur tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kualitas spermatozoa (p>0,05). Perbedaan umur memengaruhi kualitas spermatozoa ayam, tetapi variasi galur tidak berpengaruh signifikan.
(Analysis of male local chicken semen in Indonesia based on breed types and sexual mature age levels)
ABSTRAK. Indonesian local chickens are very varied and have the potential to produce livestock of superior quality. Evaluation of semen at sexual maturity is an important criterion in selecting male hens to produce superior genetics. This study aims to determine the effect of differences in strain and age on the semen characteristics of local chickens reared in the Chicken Research Cage at the Livestock Research Institute, Ciawi-Bogor. Semen evaluation was carried out on 36 chickens, which were divided into three groups (Gaok chicken, Sensi-1 Agrinak Abu, and Sensi-1 Agrinak Pucak), and consisted of 12 chickens of each breed. Semen collection was performed using the abdominal massage technique at the ages of 24, 28, 32, and 36 weeks for the three strains. The parameters observed in this study include volume, pH, mass movement, motility, and viability of spermatozoa. The data were analyzed using general linear univariate model analysis. Differences in age showed a significant effect on the volume, motility, and viability of chicken spermatozoa (p<0.05). The highest volumes, motility, and viability at 32 weeks of age were 0.44 ml, 79.11%, and 84.69%. The pH value was significant for the type of line (p<0.05) on the highest pH of 7.91 in Gaok chickens. Line interaction with age did not significantly affect the quality of spermatozoa (p>0.05). The difference in age affects the quality of chicken spermatozoa, but the variation in the strain does not have a significant effect.
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