Perbedaan Viskositas Mucous Serviks dan Tipologi Ferning pada Sapi Aceh Repeat Breeding dan Fertil

Cut Nila Thasmi, Herrialfian Herrialfian, Husnurrizal Husnurrizal, Hafizuddin Hafizuddin, Amalia Sutriana, Dasrul Dasrul, Marcelus Ferdinandez Titit, Muhammad Reza


ABSTRAK. Efisiensi reproduksi ternak sangat ditentukan berdasarkan deteksi estrus. Terdapat beberapa indikator estrus yang dapat dijadikan patokan deteksi estrus diantaranya keluarnya mucous serviks. Mucous serviks akan diamati sifat fisiknya diantaranya warna, (tampilan), konsistensi (viskositas), elastisitas, tipologi ferning dan pH. Pengamatan terhadap nilai viskositas dan tipologi ferning mucous serviks dibagi menjadi dua faktor utama dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan viskositas mucous serviks dan tipologi ferning pada sapi Aceh repeat breeding dan sapi Aceh fertil. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan 10 ekor sapi Aceh, terdiri dari 6 ekor sapi fertil dan 4 ekor sapi repeat breeding berumur 3-5 tahun yang telah disinkronisasi dengan prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2α) sebanyak 5 mL secara intra muskulus dengan pola penyuntikan tunggal. Penentuan viskositas mucous serviks diukur berdasarkan nilai spinnbarkeit yang dideteksi pada saat puncak estrus. Untuk menentukan tipology ferning, mucous serviks dioleskan di atas objek glass, lalu dikeringkan selanjutnya diamati di bawah mikroskop. Tipologi ferning diklasifikasikan berdasarkan kriteria tipikal, atipikal, dan nihil. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif dan uji T. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat tidak ada perbedaan viskositas mucous serviks, namun terlihat adanya perbedaan tipology ferning antara sapi Aceh repeat breeding dan fertil. 


(Differences in cervical mucous viscosity and ferning typology in repeat breeding and fertile Aceh cows) 


ABSTRACT. Reproductive efficiency of livestock is determined based on estrus detection. There are several indicators of estrus that can be used as a benchmark for estrous detection, including cervical mucous discharge. Cervical mucus will be observed for its physical properties including color, (appearance), consistency (viscosity), elasticity, ferning and pH. Observation of the viscosity value and typology of cervical ferning mucous was divided into two main factors in this study. The purpose of the study was to identify the variations in mucous cervical ferning between fertile Aceh cattle and repeat breeding. In this study, 10 Aceh cattle were used, consisting of 6 fertile cattle and 4 repeat breeding aged 3-5 years which had been synchronized with 5 mL of prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2α) intramuscularly with a single injection pattern. The determination of cervical mucous viscosity is measured based on the spinnbarkeit value detected at the peak of estrus. To determine the ferning typology, cervical mucous was applied to the glass object, allowed to dry, and then examined under a microscope. Ferning typology was classified based on the criteria of typical, atypical, and nil. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively and T-test. The results showed that there was no difference in cervical mucous viscosity, but there was a difference in ferning typology between repeat breeding and fertile Aceh cows.


Aceh cattle; cervical mucus; estrus; ferning; mukus serviks; sapi Aceh; tipologi ferning; viscosity; viskositas

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