Produk Fermentasi Rumen dan Produksi Protein Mikroba Sapi Lokal yang Diberi Pakan Jerami Amoniasi dan Beberapa Bahan Pakan Sumber Energi

Novita Hindratiningrum, Muhamad Bata, Setya Agus Santosa


Products of rumen fermentation and protein microbial of dairy cattle feed with rice bran ammonization and some feedstuffs as an energy sources

ABSTRACT. This study aims to examine the energy sources of feed ingredients that can increase the production of Volatile Fatty Acids (VFA), N-NH3, microbial protein synthesis, total gas production and metabolic energy. The material used is as a source of rumen fluid inoculum from Frisian Holstein cows (FH) females, amoniasi rice straw, salt, mineral mix brand "Ultra Minerals' production Eka Farma Semarang, onggok wet and dry, corn, and rice bran. Observed variable is the concentration of (VFA), N-NH3, rumen microbial protein synthesis, and total gas production. Based on the analysis of diversity seen any significant effect (P<0.05) on total VFA concentration, N-NH3 and total gas but had no effect (P>0.05) on microbial protein synthesis. Conclusion of research is the provision of energy sources with rice bran treatment, onggok wet and dry corn flour can be used as fermentable carbohydrates on feed hay amoniasi in vitro.


VFA; N-NH3; microbial protein synthesis; total gas production

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