Pengaruh Pemupukan N, P, K dan Bahan Organik terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Kedelai di Lahan Sulfat Masam Bergambut
ABSTRAK. Pemanfaatan tanah tanpa memperhatikan daya sanggah tanah dapat menyebabkan penurunan produktivitas dan kerusakan tanah. Penambahan pupuk organik dan anorganik dapat memperbaiki produktivitas tanah dan tanaman. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, telah dilakukan penelitian pemupukan an-organik dan pupuk organik dengan tujuan mengevaluasi pengaruh pupuk N, P, K dan bahan organik Beta dan Tithoganic terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman dan hasil kedelai di lahan sulfat masam bergambut. Perlakuan yang dicoba adalah penambahan bahan organik Beta dan Tithoorganic setelah dipupuk dengan N, P, dan K. Percobaan dilaksanakan di lokasi pertain di desa Lamunti, Kabupaten Kapuas, Kalimantan Tengah pada MK 2009 yang menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan 3 ulangan. Peubah yang diamati adalah tinggi tanaman, jumlah cabang, jumlah buku subur, komponen hasil, dan hasil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan pupuk organik dengan perlakuan pemupukan NPK, terjadi peningkatan baik pada pertumbuhan vegetatif dan pertumbuhan generative dilihat dari jumlah buku subur, jumlah polong/tanaman, jumlah biji/tanaman, berat biji/tanaman, dan berat seratus biji serta hasil. Dosis ½ NPK tambah bahan organik Beta meningkatkan jumlah biji per tanaman sebesar 58.10%, dan berat biji/tanaman meningkat 46.32% sedangkan dosis ½ NPK tambah bahan organik Tithoganic meningkatkan jumlah biji/tanaman 59.29% dan berat biji/tanaman 40.33%. Peningkatan hasil dengan dosis ½ NPK + bahan organik Beta sebesar 54.12% dan 58.42% dengan penambahan Tithoganic.
Effect of N, P, K and Organic Matter Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Soybean on Peaty Acid Sulphate Land
ABSTRACT. The utilization of land without awareness to soil bearing capacity can cause the declination of productivity and land degradation. The application of organic and inorganic fertilizers can improve soil and crop productivity. The object of research was to evaluate the influence of N, P, and K fertilizer and Beta and Tithoganic organic matter on growth and yield of soybean on peaty acid sulphate land. The experiment was conducted on farmer land at Lamunti village, Kapuas, Central Kalimantan in dry season 2009. This experiment was arranged in RCBD design with 3 replications. Observed variables were plant height, number of branches, number of fertile nodules, yield component and yield. The results showed that the application of organic fertilizer with NPK fertilizer treatment increased vegetative and generative growth that could be shown from the number of fertile nodules, number of pods/plant, seed number/plant, seed weight/plant and 100 seed weight and the result. Treatment of an half NPK + Beta organic matter increased the number of seeds/plant as 58.10% and the weight of seed/crops as 46.32% whereas treatment of an half NPK + ½ Tithoganic organic matter increased the number of seeds/plant and weight of seed/crops as 59.29% and 40.33% respectively. The yield showed an increasing rete as 54.12% and 58.42% with an half of NPK + Beta organic matter and application of Tithoganic.
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