Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Buletin Pengabdian publishes articles on research related to community engagement practices and processes, carried out by academia, government, the private sector, and industry. These manuscripts can originate from:

  1. Community service activities ("PENGMAS"), 
  2. The student study service (Kuliah Kerja Nyata or KKN), 
  3. Technical guidance, 
  4. Models or concepts, 
  5. Agriculture extension
  6. Rural development, 
  7. Agriculture economics studies
  8. And or other implementations to increase community participation in development and community empowerment.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

Bull. Community. Serv. implement a peer-review process. Authors are welcome to suggest at least five potential reviewers along with their names and email addresses. However, the decision to determine the right reviewer is the editor's right. Approved gallery manuscript proofs will be previewed online as early as possible after receipt from the author and final proofreading by the editor-in-chief.



Publication Frequency



Open Access Policy

The journal provides direct open access to its contents on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports greater global knowledge exchange.



The journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and allows those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration purposes. More...


Ethics Policy


Buletin Pengabdian must ensure that all work published in the journal follows the ethical principles of academic publishing. It is therefore important to establish ethical standards for all stakeholders to create a conducive environment and to avoid problems that may arise due to certain conflicts of interest. This document presents the Devotion Bulletin's policies on respective publication ethics and malpractice statements as guidance for all journal stakeholders.

Publication and authorship

All persons listed as authors must be eligible for authorship. Such authorship should be limited to persons who have made significant contributions to the conception, design, implementation, data acquisition, data analysis, or interpretation of the manuscript. All other persons who have participated in certain important aspects of the research but do not meet the requirements as authors should be acknowledged. Authorship is the responsibility of the peace writer; He must ensure that all appropriate co-authors are included in the manuscript. The corresponding author, on behalf of all co-authors, must submit a form stating that they have all seen and approved the final version of the manuscript and have agreed to submit it for publication.


The authors must follow the peer review process established by Buletin Pengabdian. The author is responsible for providing original and accurate data (no plagiarism, no fraudulent data). Regarding submitted manuscripts, provide data when requested. Submitted manuscripts may not be responded to or accepted for publication elsewhere. Where parts of the data have been published elsewhere, the source must be acknowledged or cited accordingly. When reproducing data from other sources, proper citation and permission are required. Authors must ensure that animal research is conducted following ethics and animal welfare. Any potential conflict of interest must be declared. Authors are asked to be willing to publish corrections, clarifications, reprints, and apologies when necessary.


The reviewer's responsibility is to help improve the quality of the manuscript through an objective review process within a scheduled time frame and to contribute to the decision-making process on the manuscript. If a reviewer discovers content published or submitted under review, the editor must be notified. Reviewers must have no conflicts of interest related to the research, authors, and/or research funders. Any description of information provided by the editor or author must be maintained.


The editors have full responsibility and authority to accept or reject an article. They should have no conflict of interest concerning the articles they accept or reject. Editors must be objective and fair when carrying out their duties without discriminating against the gender, ethnicity, religion, political views, or geographic origin of authors. Editors must also accept manuscripts based on academic merit and without commercial influence. Editors must maintain the anonymity of reviewers.

Authors, reviewers, and editors must maintain the integrity of the academic record throughout the entire publication process. Business needs must be prevented from compromising intellectual and ethical standards.

Authors may Refer to the International standards for editors and authors | COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics for policies not stated in these instructions.