Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) in English Language Teaching

Cayandrawati Sutiyono, Elvina Arapah, Novita Triana


Learning English in a foreign language context poses unique challenges for language learners, particularly due to limited exposure to the language. Students often struggle to find authentic opportunities to practice English outside of the classroom, which can hinder their proficiency despite years of training. This issue is especially critical for student-teachers who need a strong command of English for their teaching practices. Mastering English proficiency and teaching skills simultaneously present a dual challenge. Developing a high level of SRL may hold the key to addressing these challenges. This study aims to explore students’ cognition regarding the use of seven domains of SRL. A total of 52 students are investigated for their Cumulative Graduate Point Averages and SRL Scales. Then, 11 students are selected for the qualitative study. Research instruments include the adapted Academic Self-Regulated Learning Scale, interviews, and focus group discussions, which provide in-depth insight into students’ thoughts, experiences, and perceptions of seven domains of SRL. Thematic analysis is utilized to identify and interpret themes, patterns, and categories within collected data.  The expected findings of this study are twofold. Firstly, it aims to uncover the perceived benefits of seven domains of SRL. Secondly, the study anticipates whether the SRL in ELT effectively aid students in maintaining focus, tracking progress, and prioritizing task. The findings have implications for educators, curriculum developers, and learners aiming to enhance an English proficiency and teaching skills. By shedding light on students’ experiences and perceptions of seven domains of SRL, this research contributes to understanding the potential advantages of such tools in supporting an English language learning within a foreign language context.


Academic self-regulated learning scale; English proficiency and teaching skills; SRL

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