Abiyyu Hadi Rizqullah, Rika Husna, Ashabul Anhar, Nasrullah Nasrullah


Arabica coffee is one of the plantation commodities that plays an important role in the Indonesian economy. Arabica coffee in Central Aceh has been widely exported abroad because some coffee plantations already have conditions for export. One of the conditions for exporting Arabica coffee is that the selected garden must be grown organically and already has an organic certificate. Coffee husk waste is one of the organic materials that can be used as organic fertilizer for Arabica coffee cultivation in Central Aceh because coffee husk waste contains organic matter and nutrients that have the potential to be used in organic coffee cultivation. In addition to organic matter, soil type is also an important factor in Arabica coffee cultivation. Alluvial soil, Andosol soil, and Molisol Haplik soil are some of the many soils used for Arabica coffee cultivation in Central Aceh district. Therefore, a study entitled the effect of the dose of coffee husk compost and various types of soil on the growth of Arabica coffee seedlings was carried out. This study aims to determine the response of the growth of arabica coffee seedlings to the dose of coffee husk compost in different types of soil. This research was conducted in Kebet, Bebesen, Takengon, Central Aceh at an altitude of 1273 MDPL. This study was conducted from February 24 to June 1, 2021. This study used a factorial randomized block design with two treatment factors. The first factor is soil type which consists of 3 levels, namely T1 is Alluvial soil, T2 is Andosol soil and T3 is Molisol Haplik soil. The second factor is the dose of coffee husk compost which consists of 3 levels of comparison between the dose of coffee husk compost and different soil types, namely 1 Compost: 1 soil, 2 compost: 1 soil, 3 compost: 1 soil. The parameters observed in this study were the height parameters of arabica coffee seedlings aged 30, 60, 90 days after transplanting, stem diameter at 30, 60, 90 days after transplanting, number of leaves aged 30, 60, 90 days after transplanting, root length, root volume, root wet root weight, root dry root weight, crown wet root weight, and crown dry root weight. From the results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the treatment of various types of soil has no significant effect on all parameters. While the dose treatment of coffee husk compost had a very significant effect on the parameters of plant height at the age of 30, 60, and 90 HSPT, root length, root wet root weight, and crown wet root weight.


Coffee, Compost, Soil.

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