Transportation Route Across the South-West and the Existence of Lhoong Traditional Market, Aceh Besar (2007-2022 )

Irwandi Irwandi*, Zulfan Zulfan, Muhammad Haikal


This thesis research is entitled "West-South Cross Transportation Routes and the Existence of Lhoong Traditional Markets, Aceh Big (2007-2022)". The purpose of this study is due to the interest in explaining the existence of the Lhoong Traditional Market in Lhoong District, Aceh Big in the period before to after the change in the west-south cross transportation route and explaining the development of the Lhoong Traditional Market, Aceh Big after the Aceh Tsunami towards market activities. This study uses historical methods with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques were carried out by field observations, interviews, documentation, and literature studies. Based on the research results, it can be seen that the existence of the Lhoong Traditional Market has existed since the Sultanate of Aceh Darussalam and had experienced a change in location when the Lhoong river flood affected the Lhoong Market. Prior to the change in the west-south transportation route, Lhoong Market was on the national cross-road for the west-south region of Aceh and after the Aceh Tsunami the construction of road infrastructure resulted in a transition of the west-south causeway in the Lhoong District area, especially affected by Lhoong Market activities. After the completion of the new west-south cross road, the community continues to develop a new economy on new roads such as grocery stores, kiosks, restaurants and coffee shops. The Lhoong market has experienced developments after the Aceh Tsunami, such as the rehabilitation of the clothing wholesale market and the fish market building. Lhoong Market activity begins at 06.40 WIB, marked by the presence of mugee Eungkot (fish traders) and ends until evening. From the results of this study, the existence of the Lhoong Market greatly impacted the economy of the Lhoong people and became a source of income


Existence, Lhoong Traditional Market, West-South Route.


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Published by History Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Syiah Kuala in collaboration with "Perkumpulan Prodi Pendidikan Sejarah Se- Indonesia"
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