Pidie Jaya During the Reign of M. Gade Salam (2009-2014)

Yusril Yusril, Husaini Husaini*, T. Bahagia Kesuma


M. Gade Salam is a political figure from Pidie Jaya who is known to have an important role in the development of Pidie Jaya, policies and adjustments when he ruled were able to bring Pidie Jaya to win the award as the best autonomous region after the division for his achievements M. Gade Salam is nicknamed as his father development of Pidie Victory. This study aims to (1) describe the family background of M. Gade Greetings (2) explain the role of M. Gade Greetings in the Government of Pidie Jaya Regency (3) find out what achievements Pidie Jaya Regency has achieved during M. Gade Salam's leadership (4) describes the challenges faced by M. Gade Greetings during the reign of Pidie Jaya Regency. This study uses a qualitative approach and historical methods. As for the method of data collection is done by means of interviews, documentation, and literature study. The results obtained from this study were (1) from his family background his parents really cared about the importance of education so that he was able to complete his child's education to graduate and M. Gade Salam also had an interest in politics during college (2) during his tenure as the regent of Pidie Jaya the main focus is infrastructure but on the other hand the Education, Health, Agriculture, Plantation, Fishery and Livestock sectors are also developed annually by M. Gade Greetings (3) M. Gade Greetings was able to bring Pidie Jaya to win the 1st Regional award New Autonomy for the 3rd time in 2009, 2010 and 2013, while in 2011 Pidie Jaya won 2nd place. Other awards are the E-KTP award and the Best Planning Award "Panggripta Nusantara" at the Regency/City level in 2013 3rd place (4) the challenges faced by M. Gade Salam themselves are external and also internal challenges, one of which is the stalled construction of a multi-purpose building and the external challenge itself is in the form of certain elements asking for money for travel from both Pidie Jaya elements themselves and elements outside the Regency.


M. Gade Salam, Reign, Pidie Jaya.


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Published by History Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Syiah Kuala in collaboration with "Perkumpulan Prodi Pendidikan Sejarah Se- Indonesia"
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