Thermal and physical properties of CNF/glutaraldehyde-gelatin-based hydrogel



The use of hydrogel as a wound dressing material is currently being massively developed. In addition to functioning to protect wounds, the use of hydrogel can also provide moisture in a measured manner and can be used as a drug delivery medium. In this study, hydrogel based on CNF and glutaraldehyde crosslinking agent and addition of gelatin were developed with various compositions 0.25; 0.5; 0.75 g to increase the ability of CNF and hydrogel to absorb water so that it is good to be applied as a wound dressing. The composting of the three materials aims to obtain a hydrogel with good thermal and physical properties. Based on physical character for a good ratio of swelling (666,62%) and degree of cross-linking (94%) on the hydrogel with a composition variation of 0.5 g of CNF addition. For the thermal stability of hydrogel var 2, TMax 591oC provides better thermal stability than var 1 and var 3. The morphology of hydrogel shows very small and evenly distributed pores on the surface which can absorb more water.


hydrogel, wound dressing, composite, physical Properties, and degree of crosslinking


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