Literature Review: Risk Factors For Tuberculosis Incidence In Health Workers In Indonesia

Desi Nur Abdi*, Dadan Erwandi


Tuberculosis (TB) is the 13th leading cause of mortality globally and is the second rank in terms of leading infectious killer after COVID-19 (surpassing HIV and AIDS). Indonesia holds the second-highest number of TB cases worldwide. Health workers are among the high-risk groups for TB infection. This study’s objective is to determine the risk factors affecting tuberculosis occurrence among health workers in Indonesia. This research uses the literature review method and involves a thorough review of existing literature from 12 published journals. The literature review outcome underscores a significant correlation between Tuberculosis incidents among health workers and personal aspects, such as smoking habits. Conversely, no significant association was observed between individual factors like age, education, nutritional status, and employment factors such as duration and type of work.


risk factors, tuberculosis, health workers

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Riwayat: Educational of History and Humanities indexed by


Riwayat: Educational of History and Humanities

E-ISSN 2775-5037
P-ISSN 2614-3917

Published by History Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Province Aceh. Indonesia
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