Seurune is taken from the word Seurune Kale which is one of the traditional musical instruments from Aceh. Seurune has a characteristic sound that is strong, sharp and high-pitched that make it sounds dynamic and presents a spirit. This change of name is expected not only to bring new enthusiasm for us, the editorials, but also for you, the authors. The passage of time along with the birth of various changes will certainly bring up various increasingly dynamic phenomena of life that deserve to be studied.
The process that we undergo requires patience and perseverance that the quality we present by carrying a new name will exceed the quality of previous editions. Certainly, our success in publishing this journal does has been supported by various parties. All publications are open access in full text and free to download. Seurune is published bianually in January and July every year.
Seurune: Jurnal Psikologi Unsyiah is a media to communicate the results of scientific research in the field of psychology, thus we open the opportunity for teaching staff, students, researchers, practitioners, scientists, and observers of psychology throughout Indonesia to contribute scientific papers. The articles published in this journal will be a very useful source of information both academically and practically. We hope that the existence of Seurune, Unsyiah Journal of Psychology will enrich the realm of Psychology studies in Indonesia.
Seurune: Jurnal Psikologi Unsyiah with Nationally Accredited Journal by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia (2022-2027) Decree 152/E/KPT/2023.
Manuscript Submission |
Seurune Jurnal Psikologi Unsyiah processes all manuscripts through open journal system (OJS). So, we would like to invite authors to submit the manuscript via this link: Letter of manuscript submission will be automatically sent to the authors by Email. The process of the manuscript could be monitored through OJS. The admission process of manuscripts is conducted throughout the year. Manuscripts will go through the double-blind peer review and editorial review before accepted for publication. |
Posted: 2021-01-22 | |
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Vol 7, No 2: Juli 2024
Table of Contents
Fany Riwanda, Eka Dian Aprilia
Mindful Parenting and Subjective Well-Being in Parents of Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Anisa Putri Primi Intan Maharani, Martaria Rizky Rinaldi
Suci Zahratul Liza, Zulkarnain Zulkarnain, Rahma Yurliani
Siti Nur Azmi
M. Arief, Afriani Afriani, Dahlia Dahlia, Intan Dewi Kumala
Pocut Nadhifa, Marty Mawarpury, Afriani Afriani, Novita Sari