Editorial Policies
- Focus and Scope
- Section Policies
- Peer Review Process
- Archiving
- Publication Frequency
- Plagiarism Check
- Open Access Policy
Focus and Scope
Journal of Data Analysis (JDA) is a place to publish original research results in Statistics and Its Applications major. JDA is open access so reader can take the paper freely.
Scopes of articles in the journal are:
- Actuary
- Algebra
- Applied Mathematics
- Applied Statistics
- Big Data
- Biostatistics
- Business and Industrial Statistics
- Calculus
- Categorical Data Analysis
- Computer Science
- Data Mining
- Data Science
- Classification
- Econometrics
- Economical Mathematics
- Epidemiology
- Ethnomathematics
- Experimental Design
- Fuzzy System
- Informatics
- Operations Research
- Official Statistics
- Optimization
- Linear Programming
- Probability
- Pure Mathematics
- Machine Learning
- Mathematical Modelling
- Mathematical Statistics
- Multivariate Data Analysis
- Neural Network
- Nonparametric Statistics
- Numerical Analysis
- Regression Modeling
- Sampling
- Spatial Statistics
- Statistical Computation
- Statistical Theory
- Time Series Analysis
Section Policies
Peer Review Process
Steps of review:
- Author submits a manuscript to system or sends it to email,
- Editor reads the manuscript and send back if it still needs some information.
- Editor choses two (2) reviewers to review a manuscript or author choses at least three (3) potential reviewers but revewers are determined by Editor.
- The review process is blind peer review. Authors do not know who his/her reviewers.
- Editor will accept or reject it according to result of review.
- Editor sends reviewed article to corresponding author to be revised.
- Fullpaper is accepted and published after author does result of revision from reviewers.
- Journal is printed on-line and hardcopy
This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...
The journal is also harvested by Google Scholar, Garuda, Crossref, WorldCat, BASE, and ROAD.
Publication Frequency
Articles are published twice every year in June and December. Each publication is at least 5 (five) articles.
Plagiarism Check
We have applied plagiarism check since Volume 1 No.2 December 2018. Editors and authors are responsible for checking article so it is free from plagiarism and maximum similarity is 20% (see Publication Ethics). Editor checks similarity of the article with Turnitin. If an author's article similarity is still greater than 20% then the article sends back to the author to be revised.
Open Access Policy
Journal of Data Analysis (JDA) is an open access journal, it means that articles in the journal can be read, downloaded, distributed without permission from authors or publisher.