Penerapan Time Delay Neural Network pada Model Akustik untuk Sistem Voice-to-Text Berbahasa Sunda
Implementation of deep learning techniques has given promising results recently in any research area, especially for pattern recognition. Neural network as a part of deep learning has been widely used to build model for various pattern recognition field including speech recognition. In neural network, weights which is parameters among layers play important roles to capture information from input data. The parameters are updated frequently based on input features in each iteration. In speech recognition, neural network is implemented to build acoustic model that uses speech from different speakers as training data. The acoustic model is built for specific language such as English, Mandarin and Indonesian. In recent years, the speech recognition system using deep neural network for English language has been developed well and use in many applications. But, implementation of deep neural network for local language is rarely done. In this research, time delay neural network is used to build acoustic model for speech recognition system of Sundanese language. Based on experimental result, the implementation of time delay neural network can reduce WER to be 0.57% with well-tuned hyperparameters of neural network.
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