Penerapan Persamaan Model Struktural dalam Mengidentifikasi Variabel yang dapat Mempengaruhi Status Gizi Remaja di Kabupaten Aceh Besar
Structural Equation Model (SEM) is apply to test a series of relationships that are relatively difficult to measure simultaneously. This relationship is a relationship that is formed from one or more independent variables with or more than one independent variable. The health sector is one of the research fields that widely applies the SEM method. This is considering that in the health sector, there are many latent variables or variables that cannot be measured directly. This research was conducted with the objective of finding out what factors influenced the nutritional status of adolescents in Aceh Besar District. The latent variable is in the form of adolescent nutritional status while the independent variable is in the form of habits and eating patterns, health status and the conditions, family conditions, and adolescent knowledge. Based on the results of the SEM method, the factors that influence the nutritional status of adolescents in Aceh Besar District are health status and condition, and family conditions.
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