Identifikasi Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Angka Harapan Hidup di Sumatera Tahun 2018 Menggunakan Analisis Regresi Spasial Pendekatan Area
Life expectancy is an estimate of the life span that can be achieved by residents in a region. Life expectancy is one of the indicators of a country’s public health degree that is used as a benchmark in evaluating government performance in the health, environmental, and socioeconomic fields. One of the factors that influence the achievement of life expectancy is the location between regions, so in conducting the analysis necessary to consider the element of location. This study aims to identify factors that have a significant effect on life expectancy in 154 districts/cities of Sumatra Island with spatial regression analysis of the area approach and to obtain the best model of spatial regression in the life expectancy modeling in Sumatra Island. Spatial regression is a statistical analysis to model and evaluate relationships between dependent variables and independent variables by paying attention to interrelations of location elements. The spatial regression model approaches the area of SAR, SEM, and SARMA reviewed with 16 independent variables selected from 17 identified independent variables. Data sourced from BPS and IPKM in 2018. The results show that the SEM model is the best spatial regression model for the area approach with a value of 58.23% and an AIC value of 600.27. In term of spatial, variables that have a significant effect affect fife expectancy in Sumatra Island is the proportion of malnourished and undernourished toddlers (X1), the proportion of villages with the number of adequate of midwives per1,000 inhabitants (X7), the proportion of households with access to sanitation (X9), the percentage of population live in poverty (X13), the illiteracy rate of the population aged 15 years and over (X14), and the average length of schooling (X15).
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